Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wishing everyone a wonderful and fun filled day!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Craft recipes

Peanut Butter Playdough
Ingredients: 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup honey, 1 cup powdered milk, 1 cup oatmeal. Mix ingredients together and when they are done they can Eat it!!!!

Ingredients: 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup liquid detergent, 1 Tbsp cooking oil Mix together and have fun blowing bubbles Hint: Pipe cleaners, strawberry baskets make good bubble wands

Jell-O Finger Paint
Ingredients: Box of flavored Jell-O, Boiling water Add a small amount of boiling water to the Jell-O to make a finger paint paste with the Jell-O

Kool-Aid Play dough
Ingredients: 3 Cups flour, 1 1/2 Cups salt, 3 tbsp oil3 Cups cool water, 6 tsp Cream of tartar packages of Kool-aid mix( without sugar) in desired colors
Mix dry ingredients except Kool-Aid together in a big cooking pot.Blend all liquids together in a bowl. Combine with dry ingredients and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat when dough pulls away from the sides of the pot and can be pinched without sticking (about 5 minutes). Place dough on counter and knead until smooth and play-dough consistency. Divide into portions and knead in desired play dough colors. Store in airtight containers. Hint: If making only one color add the kool-aid to the dry ingredients prior to cooking.

Frosting Dough
Ingredients: 1 Can Frosting Mix, 1 1/2 C. Powdered Sugar1 C. Peanut Butter, Spoon & Bowl
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and then have fun making and eating your artwork.

Play dough #1
Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 2 tablespoons cream of tarter 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoons mineral oil, food coloring
Mix all ingredients in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring until stiff. Allow to cool, then knead. Store in air tight container.

Play dough #2
Ingredients: 1 cup flour, 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of salt 2 tablespoons Cream of Tarter, 1 tablespoon of Oil Cook this ingredients until it forms a ball shape in the pan.Pour it out onto a counter and knead until smooth. Store in airtight container in the fridge.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Becoming a Provider

So what makes a childcare provider want to dedicate her life and give up her home?

The most important quality of a child care provider is a true love for children. A child care provider can find even the smallest amount of awe or joy in every moment throughout the day. I love the smiles, the laughter and the excitement that they bring to my home every day. No two days are ever alike in a child care setting.

A home day care provider may have small children and want to stay home with them. Or she may have been a provider for many years, even after her children have grown up and moved on, just because she loves the sound of little feet and little voices in her house.

When she opens up her home for childcare, she is also opening up her heart for the children attending. There is nothing like a parents love, but the love of a childcare provider comes in a close second.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Family Child Care Providers vs Babysitters

If you ask most professional family childcare providers what bothers them the most. They may tell you they don't like to be called Babysitters.

Family child care providers are trained child care professionals that are there to care for you child in a home environment. You may think that they are just babysitters who watch kids in their home because they are too lazy to go to work. But that is just not true; many family childcare providers not only have hundreds of hours in childcare related trainings, but have college degrees.

A child care provider that stays up to date on issues in child development can bring something special to the care of your child. When choosing a quality childcare provider feel free to ask about their training. All states require that licensed home daycare providers attend a mandatory number of training hours pertaining to childcare.

As a childcare provider, I work hard to maintain a safe and fun learning environment for the children in my care. I do not sit the children in front of the TV and read romance novels all day long. I spend time playing, facilitating learning activities, cooking and serving nutricious meals and maintaning the quality standards that make me a professional childcare provider.

My job is to care for your child and ensure they are receiving quality care. I am a professional child care provider and proud of it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Child Care Ratios

Family child care homes have a smaller child to adult ratios then childcare centers. Smaller ratios and continuity of care are very important for a child to create a special bond with caregivers.

The child needs to create this bond so that they can feel secure and safe. When a child does not feel safe his sleeping, eating and social development can be affected. Usually at daycare centers, the staff has a high turnover. That means that your child is usually not with the same caregiver for long and this can affect bonding.

A family child care provider is always with the child and this is a wonderful way to insure that the child can form an attachment with a caregiver other then his parents. The bonds your child makes in the first few years of life can affect them as adults.

For your states licensing /ratio information please visit:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Family Child Care

Imagine the laughter of little children playing, the sights of them enthralled with a toy and experiencing learning through play. You may think you are in a childcare center but chances are you are in a family childcare home. Many new parents over look the positive experience their child can have in a home environment because they don’t know about licensed family child care.

When you begin your search for that perfect childcare for your child, you visit many centers and you feel something is missing. When placing your most precious gift into the care of others you look for that perfect person who can care for your child. Not only do you want a fun place for your child to be during the day but you want to know that your child is safe. Not many centers can offer you provider stability but a family child care home can.

So what exactly is a family child care home? A family child care home is a house where you would bring your child to be cared for while you are at work. Many parents like their child to be in a home like environment. This home could be like your house, like a small childcare or even a mixture of both.

more to come....