Friday, January 16, 2009

When Your Child Comes Home Messy

Red paint in the hair? Blue paint on the jeans? Sand in the shoes? Peanut butter on the favorite shirt? White socks that look brown? Sleeves a little bit damp?

YOUR CHILD probably...
worked with a friend, solved a problem, created a masterpiece, negotiated a difference, learned a new skill had a great time developed new language skills

YOUR CHILD probably didn't...
feel lonely, become bored, do repetitive tasks that are too babyish, do worksheet tasks that are too easy, do sit down work that is discouraging

YOU probably...
Paid good money for those clothes. Will have trouble getting the red paint out. Are concerned that the caregiver isn't paying enough attention to your child

THE CAREGIVER probably...
Was aware of your child's needs and interests. Spent time planning a challenging activity for the children .Encouraged the children to try new things. Put smocks on the children. Was worried that you might be concerned

Play and exploration is the busy work of children. Children learn more through play and interactions with their world at a young age, then they would sitting at a desk and doing skill sheets. Children are only children once and deserve to learn and have fun doing it.

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