Saturday, May 23, 2009

Choosing approprite Software for your children/ class

As a preschool teacher you may be on the hunt for that perfect software that will accentuate your students learning and be fun too. Sometimes you come across software that is not Developmentally appropriate and software that is.

Computer technology in the classroom assists with language development by giving the children the opportunity to speak, hear and see the language they are learning. Language skills are improved due to the collaboration with peers, self talk and explaining to peers their actions.

When searching right software for that “perfect” software there a few hints that will help you find what your classroom is waiting for. Below are a few tips in choosing the.

; Choose open ended software. Children love to make choices. By giving them an environment that allows choices they are more likely to keep exploring the software.

; Choose software that is pleasing to the children’s senses. Great graphics and sounds are appealing to children and keep them interested.

; Choose games that allow the children to make mistakes and be in control of the game. Children like playing games without fear of ramifications from the teacher or peers.

; Choose software that has the ability to be applied to real life situations. It is great when a child can apply knowledge in different situations.

; Choose software that allows for excitement and peer interactions during and after the computer use.

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