Thursday, June 4, 2009

Zero to Three Website

Zero to Three Website

The zero to three website is a great source of knowledge aimed at both the parents and professionals. There are so many different areas to research in regards to development of children. Some of the key topics on the site are brain development, play, child care, mental health, sleep, social emotional development and many more worthy topics. There are quizzes to take to test your knowledge and tips on using the knowledge. There is an abundance of information on the site and is a great resource.


A great activity is to let your infant to explore the textures of different areas. Some ideas would be to allow the child to explore the outdoor environment. He could feel the grass, pick up leaves and sticks, feel the sunshine. During this you could be parallel talking about how the grass feels etc.

Singing songs and finger plays with your baby is a great activity. The baby likes to hear the language and watch your movements. They will try to mimic them and sing with you. This is great for the language development of the infant.

Infant massage is not only a great bonding time but it also is about body awareness. The parent or caregiver talks about what she is doing and what body part she is massaging. Many mothers enjoy this special time as much as the baby does.

Allow the infant to explore paint and the process of painting. Tape some paper onto the high chair tray and allow the child to finger paint. They will get to enjoy the feelings of the paint and moving their hands in it.

Read to the infant while they are cuddling in your lap. This is great for bonding and attachment and early literacy skills. Make sure that the reading extends beyond just reading the words on the pages. Point out objects, make the sounds that the item will make and enjoy the time with your child.

Allow the infant to help “fold” the laundry by taking it out of the basket and putting it back in. of course they wont be actually folding the laundry but you can discuss the textures and colors of the clothes as well as the concept of in and out.

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